Immigration: Today's Pressuring Issue
The construct of a society such as
the one present in the United States is the result of individuals with
different ethnic backgrounds migrating together and building up a society that
can withstand its various standards and values. Today, the migration from
outside countries, more specifically Latin American countries has created a pressuring
issue. The issue arises when the people come to the conclusion that too many
other individuals, not from the U.S, have immigrated and caused economic,
political, and social problems. What some individuals tend to oversee is the
U.S influence that the migratory movement has had.
In the mid nineteenth century,
Mexico had a president known as Porfirio Diaz. He enforced the upcoming liberal
economic policies. Said policies led to the uprising of its market and further
development followed like the shadow cast upon a moving body. The United States
has no issue with other countries who are/becoming economically competitive,
and so relations between Mexico and the U.S grew to expand its ongoing hunger
for land, money, and labor. As time went on, migration from Mexico to the U.S
was an ongoing pattern of waves landing on the shore on the land of
opportunity. As one can imagine, the progress made in the past due to liberal
economic policies was a motive for future politics.
In the nineteen thirties, President
Lazaro Cardenas and his administration led social reforms that attempted to
untangle Mexico and U.S relations: no only U.S but foreign countries in which
Mexico and other Latin American countries were heavily depended upon for trade.
His reform were successful until other reforms began to take place. Not only
were these reforms part of the cause for the migratory movement but programs
such as the Bracero Program sought to provide U.S with the cheap labor they
lacked. Later, Mexican and Latin American countries found themselves in a
position under the possessive power of the U.S. Migratory quotas began uprising
along with a combination of social pressures: changing the political and
financial dynamics of both countries.
Immigration in the present time has
changed and is an ongoing pressuring issue on both sides of the border. There
are masses of Mexican and Latin American immigrants who are facing unjustifiable
sanctions for their migratory paths: some staying in privately owned prisons
being mistreated by the authorities present. Below you may see the image of a
few individuals wh were illegally crossing over and were apprehended.
There are
individuals on both Latin American and U.S who have similar goals and interest:
among them stand the division of accepting or rejecting the incoming wave of immigrants.
According to a news article from the
University of Chicago, the author William Harms refers to a sociologist
professor by the name of Donald Bogue when speaking of today’s immigration:
pertaining to the ethnic background discussed in this blog. Professor Bogue
conducted a study in which he compare immigration that occurs in Latin America
and immigration to the United States. In his study he found that immigrant who
come to the U.S form Latin America improve their economic status after a few
years of settling down. He also found that typically, the work experiences that
immigrants have in the U.S prepare them for better jobs if they ever go back to
their place of origin: this means they have the training required to acquire
better jobs and this will allow them to better care for their families. His
studies have shown that immigration/migratory movements to the U.S has helped
immigrants improve upon their economic and skill statuses.
On the other hand there are
individuals that are not keen of the present migratory movement due to finding
such as the following. On an online Fox News article, there has been one
hundred and forty four sex offenders who were apprehended on the border of
Mexico. Further cases in the article show that a continuous flow of sex
offenders crossing the border has been occurring. With such provocative news
such as this, many U.S citizens, along with the government, have been siding
against immigrants: and so the friction between individuals who are for
immigration and those who are not grows hotter and hotter into a political
stew. It is just a matter of time before the pot of stew gets too hot and
overwhelmed with political ingredients that it will boil over into the next
generation of migratory individuals.
of Chicago:
News: Article
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