Sunday, March 1, 2015

End to Gender Inequality: So close, yet so far.

                Throughout history there has been a very obvious inequality gap between men and women. Women have always been people that stay at home to cook, clean, and create something useful, a man. Argentina tried to push for equality of men and women in the work force back in the 1940’s. However we are in 2015, we have women in high positions helping run countries, one would think that equality isn't an issue anymore. It appears that that is not the case, and it is still a little out of our grasp.
Image result for evita duarte                In the 1940’s Peronism was a movement of the ideals of Juan D. Perón. One of his ideals was that the working class greatly affected the development of Argentina. He believed that this included women, and not only men. Previously in the world women had not been regarded as too important in the working class, but for one of the first times they were being included in the importance. Peron’s right hand man, was a woman, his wife Eva Duarte. She played a large role in mobilizing the Peronist movement. (Born in Blood and fire, page 258) She was an incredibly influential woman despite her lack of elected post. She was pushing equal pay for equal work over 60 years ago! Even then she still didn't believe she was a leader and she still believed women were born to be “homemakers” but it was a step towards equality for women in the work force at the very least, six decades ago.

                A jump to present day shows us that now women are more involved in society. They can vote, they can own their own business, they can run for office, they are equal to men in almost any way you can think of. There is one major thing that they differ in however, wages. There is a major gender pay gap that really shouldn't exist considering we had Eva Duarte fighting to fix this in the 40’s. Women are paid less across the board whether it be elementary school teachers, computer programmers, or judges. What is even more astounding is that even in jobs that are dominated by women, they are still paid less than the men in that same job. Women make up over half of the workers in management and professional occupations so it is obvious that they are more than capable, but why are they still paid less than men? There is no answer other than the stigma that men are better than women when it comes to brains and brawn still exists. We as a people have not yet given up the idea that men are the better ones to have working and until that idea is extinguished and we have another politician come around pushing for equal pay there will be a continued gap in the gender pay roll.

Sources : 
  • Women in Latin America and The Caribbean

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