Friday, March 27, 2015

Unfair Immigration Laws.

Immigration. The word itself stirs up controversy in the United States today. Ever since President Barack Obama took office for the first time, immigration has been a hot and controversial topic. In 2012, president Obama gave one of many speeches addressing this topic. His words at that time were This morning, Secretary Napolitano announced new actions my administration will take to mend our nation’s immigration policy, to make it more fair, more efficient and more just”. President Obama's main point of that speech was to help young immigrants who came to this country and for what ever reason were living here illegally, achieve a more fair and just solution to their citizenship status. This was called the Dream Act. Young immigrants possibly brought here by there parents, could live here for five years and attain citizenship. This, I think is amazing. But why would this only pertain to immigrant children. Why can this not be applied to all immigrants who work hard and try and make a life for themselves in a moral and honest way. For many people, immigration was the only option they had to get themselves and their families out of dangerous and life threatening situations. If children can work hard, be good, and lead a good life and be granted citizenship, why can't this be applied to the parents and grandparents who brought them to this country.
After President Obama's Dream Act Speech things were looking up for the immigrant communities. It seemed that President Obama wanted all deserving people to be allowed into this country. Then, he introduced Secure Communities. This program was meant to send illegal immigrants back who broke the law in terrible ways. Murderers, rapist, arsonists, robbers. These were the immigrants that were supposed to be deported. An absolutely absurd number of 400,000 illegals being deported was established through this secure communities program. Now it wasn't only murders and rapists being detained with the fear of being deported, but mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles. Hard working people who just wanted a good life for their families. These people were being sent into detention for things as small as traffic citations. Deportation of good people was happening.
The United States immigration policies are absolutely absurd. In no world should a husband ans wife be separated, or a mother from her children because of a speeding ticked. Once again, many of these good and decent people came to America looking for a better life, a way out, and this place of dreams is sending back into the turmoil of their home country. Instead of detaining these people and making them so miserable to the point of breaking, the United States should uphold basic human rights and allow them a path to legality. If the U.S found a better way to help immigrants become citizens then our country could flourish. We could have so many more good, hard working contributing members of society and America could become a far better place. Now we are scaring people in need away with the threat of unfair treatment and deportation. How is that upholding America's good name? I sure don't know, but I hope that soon the U.S. Finds a way to help all who need and strive for it.


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